Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Candy Corn Cookies

Are you a fan of those waxy little Halloween candies known as candy corns? My family seems to find them addicting. I've bought several bags of the stuff (must be Brach's brand) for recipes this year and they keep disappearing. Here's a cookie recipe that copies the look of this candy: Candy Corn Cookies.

This is a really SIMPLE recipe that uses Betty Crocker pre-made cookie mix. You can ABSOLUTELY use your own very favorite homemade sugar cookie dough for this. I used this quickie method to try it out...

That's all you need...

The dough gets divided up into three clumps. Color one clump orange and another one with chocolate. Press the three layers into a loaf pan and refrigerate for a bit.

Slice the firmed-up loaf of dough into thin slices and then cut neatly into wedges.

Place your wedges onto a cookie sheet. Leave room to grow.

The finished product. Ok, so mine don't have yellow... they have brown instead. I suppose you could make a yellow layer instead of a chocolate layer if you really want them to match. But I have seen some candy corns with that brown layer too. And with these you get the added bonus of a little chocolate in your candy corn cookie.

If you're looking for a really delicious candy corn cookie, I'd mix up your best sugar cookie recipe and use that to create these cookies. The flavor in these was ok... but it definitely had that 'packaged mix' flavor and wasn't a big culinary flavor discovery or anything.

That being said, this is the perfect "bake-sale" cookie for a fall festival. And for that, the Betty Crocker mix works just fine. Tuck a few candy corns into a baggie with a couple of candy corn cookies, and it might just be a big seller!

And be sure to hide the candy corns from your family or they might begin to disappear!

This recipe can be found HERE.


  1. I'm sure kids (even the college kids!) would love these! They are so cute!

  2. I haven't tasted candy corn before, but those cookies look really good! Clever use of the dough, I can't stop smiling over here! :)

  3. What a great idea! My son would love cute....

  4. What beautiful cookies, even though candy corn is my least favorite of all Halloween candies.
    My teeth hurt just looking at these!
    Trick or Treat!

  5. These are adorable, you have great ideas for Halloween. I happen to have a weakness for sugar cookies.

  6. Cutest idea ever!! LOVE sugar cookies AND candy corn, so definitely need to make these!


  7. Only you could find a way to make somthing as awful as candy corn look delicious.

  8. Thats the cutest thing I ever seen! A nice project for my Grandaughter and I!

  9. What a cute idea! We always make sugar cookies for Halloween. The rest of the family loves candy corn, but I hate it. It tastes like wax to me. These would be much better!

  10. OK, this is a must bake. My grandchildren would love me to pieces if I made these for them. We have to have candy corn on Halloween.

  11. Cute Cute Cookies!! Perfect for this time of year.

  12. I've got to make these, they would look so nice on a cookie tray. And the best part is they look easy!

  13. Well, if this isn't the CUTEST idea I've ever seen!!! How very clever and adorable!! I absolutely love this idea - thank you for sharing!!


  14. Oh my gosh! How cute! These are so perfect for Halloween gifts. This is such a creative idea, such a simple thing that looks amazing!

  15. Those are freakin' adorable!!!!!!!! Love them!

  16. I think this is a brilliant idea! I love it! And so simple too, which I am all about these days.

  17. Absolutely lovely! And so easy too! This is just great! Happy Halloween!

  18. These would be perfect to pass around at the office! Soo ADOR!!!

  19. I never had a candy corn before. Those cookies are so cute.

  20. This is going to be a great activity for my middle school foods class to make. I have enjoyed your site.

  21. these are darling, cute idea~

  22. I love the way you made these - very smart! And while I hate candy corn itself, I think these cookies are adorable and definitely worth making.

  23. How cute are those??? I love this idea. Thanks for sharing! I'd also go for the chocolate layer, too...

  24. What a good idea!!!! I hadn't ever thought to do that...

    You and I are very similar in our experiments...I'm going to subscribe to your blog so that I can keep feeding off of your ideas!

  25. Lori, I love these. And you make it look so simple to make. I have a candy corn lover in the family. This will be a special surprise for him. Thanks.

  26. Such a cool idea and very easy technic! They're amazing!

  27. Love this! These cookies are too cute!

  28. So pretty! And so easy too! Thanks for sharing this great - and very festive recipe! =D

  29. Great explanation of how to do this. I've seen similar recipes elsewhere, but with no pictures to illustrate how to make the wedges, I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. Now I get it! Thanks for helping those of us visual learners! :-)

  30. This is one of the cutest cookies I've ever seen... what a great idea!

  31. Hi Lori- My kids saw these on Tastespotting and screamed for me to make them. These are very cute and you made it so simple to understand how to make them. Thanks!! Great Pictures.

  32. Very cute idea! Love them for Halloween!

  33. Those are adorable! We can't seem to keep the candy corns in the house either! I think my husband got us all addicted to them when I was pregnant both times! Each time I'd eat some, they would kick like crazy. :)

  34. Awesome! These look like they are so fun to make!

  35. Those are the cutest cookies I have ever seen, seriously!

  36. oh my goodness!!! how adorable! they look just like candy corn :)

  37. So cute! But I'm a bigger fan of the mellow creme pumpkins, so next time you'll have to turn them into cookies.

  38. These are so dang cute, you know I love them.

  39. Before reading this post, I thought maybe you just made a batch of sugar cookies with candy corn baked in them or something; but no!! You made candy-corn SHAPED cookies!!! Brilliant as always, RecipeGirl!! :0)

  40. these are terrific, but since candy corn is my favorite candy (and i can't for the life of me figure out why), i'd have to choose the candy over the cookies. :)

  41. Cute! Love the idea of slicing and cutting into triangle wedges!
    Candy corn is good, but for some reason only at this time of year. And yes, it must be Brachs!

  42. Lori those are just to cute and so so easy to make. I might try my hand at this recipe. I happen to have some sugar cookie dough pouches i need to use.

  43. I'm absolutely addicted to candy corn - the real thing and things that look like it! :)

  44. that is a very smart way of doing it, in the loaf pan like that- brill!

  45. Can you help out at my son's halloween party? Your ideas are so much fun!

  46. Oh yummy! The colors that you were able to get are fabulous. I'm not a big fan of candy corn...but I love sugar cookies-these look great!

  47. Oh aren't you a clever little cutie!
    How fabulous is that? I love this!!!!

  48. I loooove candy corn! Those cookies are too cute! :)

  49. oh my goodness!!! those look soo AMAZING! :)

  50. Too cute! Gotta make these for my crazy boys! Love it!

  51. Oh my gosh.. thia really is brilliant! mI can't believe I have never seen this in a magazine. :) You did a wonderful job.. my daughter loves candy corn and would love me forever if I made these cookies for her!

  52. That is such a cute idea. Perfect for Halloween.

  53. These are too cute! I'm in the mood to bake Halloween cookies. Oh, and I like the candy corn with brown! :)

  54. I've never seen these before. What a cute idea. I didn't even notice the colors were different until you mentioned it. I'm making these for a party tomorrow!

  55. wow, that is so creative! for someone who doesn't like candy corn, this would be a cool way to eat it. ;-P

  56. Thank you so much for posting this wonderful recipe for candy corn cookies .Can't wait to try them!
    hugs ginger

  57. You are sheer genius!!! You need to write a book on Halloween treats! I feel like a giggly kid again seeing these cookies!

  58. I must bake these for the Halloween party at the Y. Perfect!!!

  59. I love these! I made some last year, but I made orange shortbread cookies and dipped one end in dark chocolate and the other in white chocolate. These look easier!

  60. Fun, and colorful. I ended up tossing my second batch into the mixer instead of using the hand kneeding, was muvh easier. Although My chocolate parts were a little too crumbly (ok I tried to infuse too much chocolate) and I ended up making them alternating with the chocolate at the top on some and the bottom of others to aleviate waste! YUM! And they look clever too!

  61. this is amazing! I binge on candy corn at least once-a-Halloween season, but I would be much happier with a candycorn cookie. I wouldn't feel ill after eating them for one, and they most definitely would be more satisfying. How festive!

  62. My kids LOVE candy corn, they're going to freak-out when I show them these. Thanks for sharing.


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