Chocolate Cupcakes with Peppermint Icing

Every holiday should have their own cupcake. Or every cupcake should have their own holiday. One of those. In my next life I might be a cupcake blogger. I 'get' why those cupcake bloggers are incredibly popular. Cupcakes are just so darned cute, and they seem to make people happy.

My happy self chose Chocolate Cupcakes with Peppermint Icing to represent the holiday season this year.

These are a nice little chocolate cupcake with a simple, peppermint tinted icing.

Crushed candy canes are the perfect complement for the minty icing. They add a little festive color to the cakes. Use green candy canes too for additional holiday cheer.

Or place a candy cane on the icing... then your guests can choose to eat it or not. Plus, I think it looks pretty swanky with a mini-candy-cane on top.

I did a combo of both. If you don't care for the crunch of candy canes on your cupcakes, use your own edible holiday decor. Candy Cane Kisses would be extra cute too.

Big thumbs up from my little guy on these cupcakes (he's quite the experienced 7 year old taste tester, so you can trust him). Happy Birthday today to my Mom! I'm sending you a virtual cupcake for the big day (and as they say... the gift is in the mail).

This recipe can be found HERE.

Check the rest of my December and end of November blog posts for lots more holiday recipes.
